Sunday 20 November 2011

Create A Natural Healthy Skin And Acne

Acne affects more than 20 million teenagers, and hundreds of adults according to the AAD (American Academy of Dermatology). This is the most common problem in the United States. Many of the resources available and against hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent each year on them. I came up with some cheap home remedies that works perfectly well and are healthier for the skin.

Symptoms of acne: persistent, recurrent or buttons blemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly found on the face, but can also occur on the back chest, shoulders, neck and upper.

What's going on? Usually due to clogging of the pores of sebaceous hair follicles, oil and dead skin cells that accumulate bacteria in the follicle blocked, thus causes inflammation in the area.

Prevention: Keep the area clean, eat less fat and sugar are mostly to prevent acne.


Clean (not rub) your face at least twice a day with a mild antiseptic soap natural herbal calendula (Calendula officinalis), lavender (Lavandula officinalis) for the treatment and prevention.

After cleaning, apply a drop of tea tree oil - a natural antibiotic - for each point. * For an overnight treatment that are dried and cured, use a clay poultice, worn all night. Use either green clay or bentonite as a base. (Available in most health food stores). Mix 1 tablespoon of clay with enough water to make a paste the consistency of toothpaste. Mix in 3 drops of tea tree oil and apply to the defects. Rinse with warm water in the morning.

Steam the face:

Give yourself an herbal steam treatment of the face twice a week to gently and thoroughly clean the pores. In a baking dish, pour ½ 1 quarts of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, which is both anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Cover your head and a bowl with a large towel, steam your face for 10 minutes, being careful not to burn yourself with steam.

Natural Alpha Hydroxy:

From your own kitchen, a large natural alpha hydroxy healer.

~ Wash and place in a blender: 2 or 3 ripe unpeeled pitted apricots, ~ 2 large or 3 medium fresh strawberries are preferred, but frozen will work as well, ~ ¼ medium to large avocado (equivalent to a 3 "x 2 "song

~ 1 heaping tablespoon of honey. Put in a blender and liquefy until frothy. Apply on face, leave on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and soap and herbal. Then open a capsule of vitamin E and apply to face.

If leftovers, store them in a glass jar for no more than 7 days. Use this facial twice a week for a smooth unblemished skin. To remove small wrinkles leave overnight.

Natural Healing, astringent scrub:

Spread the lemon juice and let dry, apply as many times as you want. Acts as an astringent and a healer. Lemon is a drawing effect and contribute to the defects and to avoid becoming clogged pores. For abscesses pores apply a piece of lemon peel on the spot, the skin side out. They can be submitted up to three hours.

My sister and I had this favorite thing to use as teenagers.

Take a raw egg and 1 tablespoon lemon juice, whisk until frothy and apply on the skin, let dry and rinse with herbal wash and cold water. Eggs are a healer drawing. To do this, two or three times a week will help you keep your face without blemishes and blackheads. I have never experienced the black heads and acne others, it may be due to this habit as a child and teenager, and the fact that I did not Dairy Foods?

Natural bias;

* Lotus Root tea two or three times a day to improve the defects.

Take 30-45 mg of zinc per day and antioxidants help the regeneration of skin tissue!

If you, like me, tend to have very dry skin, you probably spent a lot of $ $ $ on creams and powerful, do not provide lasting effects. Well I live in a very dry part of the world, that does nothing to help my dry skin, but is worse than I discovered something to nourish and restore:

Bath in a luxurious bubble bath 15 minutes 2-4 times a week for 1 / 4 cup Life Transfusion Liquid Ionic 84 Minerals. Softness and smoothness as you can imagine, and relaxation, makes my mind ... If you do not know where to find liquid minerals mailto: Subject = LocateIonicMin

Oriental medicine has a teaching ... spots or pimples on the body areas correspond to different organs or body parts before they appear. The areas are:

A) Forehead indicates a problem with the intestinal tract. B) Cheeks indicate lung or breast problems. C) indicates the nose region of the heart. D) around the mouth indicate the reproductive sphere. E) The jaws indicate kidney area. F) Upper back indicates lung area. G) shows shoulder space tract. H) Chest indicates both lung and heart area. Do not panic everyone, but this shows that people with patches / buttons should improve their overall health as a way to rid the body of blemishes!

A good start is by removing some of the dairy animal saturated fats and sugars, minerals and vitamins daily ad. The medical profession for most, says diet has nothing to do with it. Would you believe that? There are many more stories studies to prove otherwise!

Take charge of your own life and treatments for your own optimal health.

Go out and get healthy now!